samedi 13 novembre 2010

Organized Gang Stalking Sensitizing / Le conditionnement et la sensibilisation

Conditioning and awareness
This exercise is to weaken the targets to force them to be in touch with the same stimuli constantly, day after day. Over the years, they became accustomed to seeing the same "pattern", the same colors or everyday actions. For example: the color red, tapes, pencils, notebooks, hearing the sound of keys, whistles, a strong cough, etc.

By being constantly in touch with these items at the same time of the physical or moral violence the targets undergoes, they will eventually associate with it. Subsequently, the mere fact of being in the presence of these elements will make them feel the same symptoms as if violence was still present while this is not the case. Thus, they have been sensitized. They will have understoud their message.
But caution is needed here. People associated with the elements of awareness are NOT ALL spies civilians. It is always possible that they could be, but it is entirely possible that they are not. So they should no way generalizing although it is difficult. This is important to continue to distinguish what is normal and not. 
Conditioning and awareness

This exercise is to weaken the targets to force them to be in touch with the same stimuli constantly, day after day. Over the years, they became accustomed to seeing the same "pattern", the same colors or everyday actions. For example: the color red, tapes, pencils, notebooks, hearing the sound of keys, whistles, a strong cough, etc.

By being constantly in touch with these items at the same time of the physical or moral violence the targets undergoes, they will eventually associate with it. Subsequently, the mere fact of being in the presence of these elements will make them feel the same symptoms as if violence was still present while this is not the case. Thus, they have been sensitized. They will have understoud their message

The aim is that the target gets used to see the elements which it was exposed and react to this with paranoia, believing, for example, that all those who are dressed in red are perpetrator. Afterwards, other people may think that  the targeted individual is crazy. But there is nothing further from the truth.

Caution: People associated with the elements of awareness are NOT ALL civilians spies. It is always possible that they could be, but it is entirely possible that they are not. So they should no way generalizing although it is difficult. This is important to continue to distinguish what is normal and not.

 Organized Gang Stalking Sensitizing 

Le conditionnement et la sensibilisation
Cet exercice consiste à fragiliser la cible à force de lui présenter les mêmes stimulus constamment, jour après jour. Avec les années, elle devient habituée à voir  les mêmes “pattern”, les mêmes couleurs ou actions quotidiennes. Par exemple : la couleur rouge, des bonnets péruviens, des bandes, des crayons, des portables; entendre le bruit des clés, des sifflets, une toux forte, etc.

 Le but recherché est que la cible s'habitue à voir les éléments auxquels elle a été exposée et qu'elle réagisse par la paranoïa en croyant, par exemple, que tous ceux qui sont habillés en rouge sont des perps. Après, elle finit par passer pour folle aux yeux des autres. Mais, il n'y a rien de plus faux.

À force d’être constamment en présence de ces éléments pendant que la personne subit la violence morale ou physique, elle peut finir par les associer à celle-ci. Par la suite, le simple fait d’être en présence de ces éléments pourra lui faire ressentir les mêmes symptômes que si la violence était présente alors que ce ne sera pas le cas. Ainsi, elle aura été sensibilisée. Elle aura compris leur message.

Mais, une mise en garde est nécessaire ici durant le processus. Il faut se rappeler constamment que les gens associés aux éléments de sensibilisation ne sont PAS TOUS des espions civils. Il est toujours possible qu’ils en soient, mais c’est tout-à-fait possible qu’ils n’en soient pas. Alors, il ne faut en aucun cas généraliser, même si cela est difficile. Ceci est important afin de continuer à distinguer ce qui est normal de ce qui ne l’est pas.
On the need for New criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind invasive Technology

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